

Having a patch of nettles and comfrey will have many benefits to your garden or allotment, not only is the stinging nettle one of the most important native plants for wildlife in the UK.
The nettle supports over 40 species of insect including some of our most colourful butterflies.

Comfrey has become an important plant for the organic gardening movement. It has thick, far reaching roots which access minerals deep in the soil, making it rich in potassium and nitrogen. The fast-growing leaves can be cut several times a year to make an organic slug control, liquid fertiliser, leaf mould and compost activator. Comfrey has long been associated with herbal medicines and there is no doubt that it can be effective in the treatment of sprains and bruises. Many people use it to ease the pain of arthritic joints and the roots mashed into a paste may help to heal wounds.
Comfrey also benefits many willdife creatures which are important to crop pollination.

Natural leaf-based fertilizer involves putting comfrey and nettle leaves into a container. Fill it with water and cover it. It has a strong odor, so you may want to store it outdoors. To use it as fertilizer, dilute it with one part mixture and 20 parts water. Depending on what you’re growing, different ingredients will add nutrients to this mixture. For example, tea leaves add nitrogen and manganese and alfalfa will add numerous amounts of nutrients and minerals.